Nuestros alumnos son aquellos que buscan adquirir habilidades fundamentales para la obtención de empleo,
tales como resolución de problemas, análisis crítico y automotivación que se desarrolla por las actividades y metodología de estudio, siendo buscados por los principales empleadores en todo el mundo.
Buscan ser profesionales con perfil internacional, abiertos a los cambios que les permite ser parte de un mundo globalizado.
Nuestros alumnos son aquellos que buscan adquirir habilidades fundamentales para la obtención de empleo, tales como resolución de problemas, análisis crítico y automotivación que se desarrolla por las actividades y metodología de estudio, siendo buscados por los principales empleadores en todo el mundo.
Buscan ser profesionales con perfil internacional, abiertos a los cambios que les permite ser parte de un mundo globalizado.
Studying with AIE at the University of London International Programmes has been an exceptional and highly recommended experience. It offered me the opportunity to achieve an LLB degree while having a job and continuing other studies. It also made a difference at the time of facing the labour market and getting a good job. It has been a mind opening experience which certainly enriched me both personally and professionally.
Maria Belén Bastone
UoL Bachelor of Laws (LLB) Graduate 2013
University of Buenos Aires Lawyer Graduate 2015
Works at: Baker and McKenzie Buenos Aires / AIE
A BSc in International Relations provided me with a broader view and analysis of International Politics as well as it taught me a new outlook through which international law could be understood and applied. Moreover, due to the programme vast amount of information, it widens the scope of analysis as well as it helps you to think outside the box when resolving matters at hand.
The University of London International Programmes (UoL) are the best way to obtain a degree from one of the top Universities worldwide, gaining a high educational level. This opportunity was enhanced by AIE´s due to extraordinary tuitions which was basic to understand the subjects, and to the link it provides between UoL and the students, making the journey more pleasant. All in all, it was a challenging and rewarding experience.
Cynthia Portalewski
BSc International Relations 2016
When searching for a postgraduate study I was eager to find one that not only gave me a new academic tools to add to my knowledge, but I also wanted to open my mind and develop a wider critical sense in order to find solutions to real world situations I may had to deal with in my professional life. UoL Diploma for Graduates was an excellent choice then. I was able to access top of the world academical contents with high quality teachers and vast bibliography only at a “click” distance through the online resources from the UoL students portal.
The method in which different courses are structured challenges students 24/7, making them constantly incorporate knowledge with the objective of producing integral solutions to a variety of situations.
I feel I had got a degree from a world- known institution, and that I have acquired real competitive advantages that make the difference in my professional profile. UoL International Programmes give the chance to any student in the world to really access to a high quality education at an affordable and time-adaptable way.
Pablo Witch
Economista UBA
Graduate Diploma en Management 2016
¿Podés definir definir en 5 palabras la experiencia AIE?
Can you define in 5 words what your experience with AIE was like?
«Satisfaction, discipline, openness, focus and expansion»
Mercedes Escriña Bracamonte
LLM Graduate UOL
“Exciting, challenging, memorable, enlightening and rewarding”
María Celeste Vidal
LLM Graduate UOL
“AIE fue mi primera aproximación a los estudios en el exterior y semi presenciales.
Acompañamiento integral de principio a fin para culminar el proceso de manera exitosa.
Muy buena experiencia. Tanto es así que estoy pensando en repetir”
Eric Salceek
Traductor Pùblico – UBA
Jefe de Càtedra Inglés – Facultad de Ciencias Sociales – UBA
LLM Graduate – UOL
“AIE me guió en el camino al mundo y me enseñó que definitivamente no hay límites
geográficos ni techo para los deseos de crecer intelectual y profesionalmente”
Carla Traut
LLM Student – UOL